Tagged: cultural trip

Community brought together by the music

Phil the Hall, the New York Philharmonic’s new initiative, is a warm welcome to a public who may never before have set foot in its concert hall. Written by Bruna Shapira This April, NWNY Cultural Trip took us to Phil the Hall, the New York Philharmonic’s new initiative to welcome New Yorkers dedicated to public service to its concert hall. For most of our group, it was the first time there. “Our community is formed mainly by recent immigrants. It...

Insights on gender and race at Wallach Art Gallery

New Women New Yorkers’ first Cultural Trip of 2019 took place at the Wallach Art Gallery at Columbia University. The space belongs to the newly opened Lenfest Center for the Arts, a multi-purpose building designed by Italian Renzo Piano in Upper Manhattan that features art shows, screenings, and symposia. A group of immigrant women attended a guided tour of the exhibit Posing Modernity: The Black Model from Manet and Matisse to Today, on view through February 10 and one of...