Tagged: indian immigrant

NWNY Volunteer Profiles: Sneha HS, 34, LEAD Workshop Facilitator

New Women New Yorkers is run by a staff of volunteers. Some work on outreach initiatives to spread the word about the organization’s mission, while others work on the blog team or facilitate events and workshops — among a variety of other jobs. We want to introduce you to each of our fantastic volunteers, one by one. Sneha HS, a 34-year-old based in Edison, NJ, brings a background in engineering and human resources management to her role as a volunteer...

Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of New York: Sneha, 33, from India

Sneha’s photograph and story were curated as part of the photo and storytelling exhibit, “Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of New York.” I came to the US with my husband, leaving behind my family, friends, and a job I loved. It was overwhelming for a while to be all by myself in a foreign country. In India I was used to having people around me all the time. I also had my parents to help me with the care of...