Tagged: Manhattan

From dense forests and slums to one of NYC’s most sought-after neighborhoods: how Irish, Jewish, Puerto Rican, and other immigrants transformed the Upper West Side

Written by Rachel   The Upper West Side, or UWS as it is often abbreviated, is a large neighborhood or series of smaller adjacent neighborhoods in northern Manhattan, extending from 59th Street northward to 110th Street, with Central Park to the east and the Hudson River to the west. Some, notably real estate agents, also include Morningside Heights – an area stretching from 110th Street to 125th Street – in their definition of the Upper West Side. Last Saturday, I...

Sunday afternoon in New York City: from the Puerto Rican parade to the Egg Creams and Egg Rolls Jewish-Chinese festival

Written by Rachel and Arielle Kandel   Earlier this month, on June 8, New York City witnessed two joyful cultural celebrations: the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, an annual celebration of Puerto Rican identity; and the Egg Rolls and Egg Creams Festival, honoring the shared histories of Chinatown and the Lower East Side, and of the long-time Chinese and Jewish residents of the two neighborhoods. Both festivities reflect fascinating immigration flows and community settlement patterns that have taken place in...

The view from uptown: a cultural panoramic of Washington Heights

Written by Megan Pickarski   Walking down Broadway, you can’t help but notice the relative calmness that floats in the air. It’s late in the morning and the hard working people of the Heights are stretching their arms and preparing for the day. Boxes of fruits and vegetables line the streets as employees and business owners begin to set up for the day. While gentrification has (very) slowly begun to creep in, Washington Heights has still managed to hold on to...

From Jewish Delis to Dominican and Chinese restaurants: the story of the Lower East Side

Written by  Tabitha Laffernis   There is an instantly welcoming feel to the streets of the Lower East Side, with every inch of the locale echoing its past identities. It is constantly evolving – from its various lives as a merchant corridor, bohemian hub, and live music stomping ground. Its first incarnation was as an immigrant neighborhood – a veritable melting pot harboring a diverse roster of ethnicities. The neighborhood started booming in the 19th and early 20th centuries with the...