Tagged: personal experience

How I Have Built My Community in New York City

A personal experience in building a community in New York City, written by a Russian immigrant. October 8, 2017. My plane landed at JFK airport. It was a hot fall evening. The only thing I had was a touristic backpack with all my dreams about a new life in it. My husband had his too. The first place we had in the new city was a living room in a one-bedroom apartment in South Brooklyn. On the first morning, we...

Inspiring Conversation: Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of NYC

Our podcast series of interviews with a diverse group of immigrant women living in NYC has come to an end. A month ago, we came together to discuss some of the common themes and topics that came up. On Sunday, March 7, New Women New Yorkers held an online conversation with the women featured in our podcast series titled Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of New York. The series introduces a diverse group of immigrant women living in NYC....